Saturday, May 16, 2009

edward & michelle

michelle was already prepping up when we arrived at L'ORCHARD last november 8, 2008. edward was at the parking lot waiting for some of his guests. behind him were his family and relatives - some still inside a big provincial bus. well, it was going to be a big day anyway.

it rained towards midday, threatening to spoil the perfect garden wedding that michelle had dreamed of. but not even the downpour dampened their spirits. God's grace reigned - the rain stopped. although the grass was wet and muddied, michelle walked down the aisle beaming and excited. reverend allison gorrospe officiated the ceremony.

after all the formalities, it was time to party! the couple exchanged songs and did a duet for their finale. soon enough, the band started to play an all-nighter and everyone had a great time taking turns on the microphone and dancefloor.

michelle wanted me to include a lot of the party pics in the layout for the last page. even if it meant 'microscopic faces.' but she doesn't mind. she wants to remember how they rocked the night away.

well, what can i say?

love rocks.

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